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2 months ago
  1. <view class="content data-v-f812fd22"><view class="padding data-v-f812fd22"><notice wx:if="{{a}}" class="data-v-f812fd22" u-i="f812fd22-0" bind:__l="__l" u-p="{{a}}"/><view wx:if="{{b}}" class="data-v-f812fd22" style="padding-bottom:20rpx"><u-loadmore wx:if="{{c}}" class="data-v-f812fd22" u-i="f812fd22-1" bind:__l="__l" u-p="{{c}}"/></view><nodata wx:if="{{d}}" class="data-v-f812fd22" u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="f812fd22-2" bind:__l="__l">暂无投票信息~</nodata></view></view>