You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
589 lines
15 KiB
589 lines
15 KiB
<view class="content">
<up-navbar leftText=" " title="" :safeAreaInsetTop="false" :autoBack="true">
<template #center>
<view class="u-nav-slot flex">
<view class="btn" @click="changeNav(1)" :class="{active: currentNav==1}">答题模式</view>
<view class="btn" @click="changeNav(2)" :class="{active: currentNav==2}">背题模式</view>
<view class="con padding">
<view class="h1_row">
<text class="tag" :class="{red: questionBank.types==2, blue: questionBank.types==3}">{{types[questionBank.types-1]}}</text>
<text class="h1" @click="speak(questionBank.title)">{{ questionBank.title}}</text>
<view class="imgBox" style="width: 100%;padding: 0 0 30rpx 0;" v-if="questionBank.img">
<image :src="questionBank.img" mode="widthFix"></image>
<view class="option">
<view v-for="(item,index) in questionBank.optionArr" @click="chooseOption(item)">
<!-- 多选题 -->
<view class="optionItem flex" v-if="questionBank.types ==2&& (!curOption.answer||curOption.answer==questionBank.answer)">
<up-icon name="checkmark-circle-fill" color="#55ff7f" size="20" v-if="curOption.ans?.includes(item.key)"></up-icon>
<view class="icon" v-else></view>
<view class="text"><text >{{item.key}}</text> {{item.text}}</view>
<!-- 正常答案 -->
<view class="optionItem flex" v-else >
<view class="icon" v-if="!curOption.key&&questionBank.types !=2"></view>
<up-icon name="checkmark-circle-fill" color="#55ff7f" size="20" v-else-if="questionBank.answer.includes(item.key)"></up-icon>
<up-icon name="close-circle-fill" color="#ff0000" size="20" v-else></up-icon>
<view class="text"><text v-if="questionBank.types!=3">{{item.key}}</text> {{item.text}}</view>
<!-- ans -->
<view class="answerCss flex" v-if="curOption.answer&&questionBank.answer!=curOption.answer">
<view class="ans">正确答案是
<text v-if="questionBank.types==3" >{{ questionBank.answer=='false'?'错误':'正确' }}</text>
<text v-else >{{ questionBank.answer }}</text>
<view class="ans">您的答案是
<text v-if="questionBank.types==3" class="red">{{ curOption.answer=='false'?'错误':'正确' }}</text>
<text v-else class="red">{{ curOption.answer }}</text>
<view class="btn_row flex-b">
<!-- @click="$goPage('/pages/exercises/lastPage/lastPage')" -->
<button class="btn border" @click="debounce(nextQuestion(-1), 500)" :class="{disable: currentIndex==1}" :disabled="currentIndex==1">上一题</button>
<button class="btn bg" @click="debounce(nextQuestion(1), 500)" :class="{disable: currentIndex>=quesIdList.length}" :disabled="currentIndex>=quesIdList.length">下一题</button>
<view class="analysis" v-if="currentNav==2||(curOption.answer&&curOption.answer!=questionBank.answer)">
<view class="tit">题目解析</view>
<view class="txt">{{ questionBank.resolving }}</view>
<view class="bottomBar">
<view class="ul">
<view class="li">
<view class="icon" style="color: #55ff7f;">{{ yesNum }}</view>
<view class="text">答对</view>
<view class="li">
<view class="icon" style="color: #ff0000;">{{ noNum }}</view>
<view class="text">答错</view>
<view class="li">
<view class="icon">{{currentIndex}}/<text style="color: #999; font-size: 24rpx;">{{quesIdList.length}}</text></view>
<view class="text">题目</view>
<view class="li" @click="showCommt=true">
<view class="icon">
<image src="@/static/images/theory/fankui.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="text">反馈</view>
<view class="li" @click="openPopup">
<view class="icon">
<image src="@/static/images/theory/dtk.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="text">答题卡</view>
<view class="li" @click="questionWrongColleFn">
<view class="icon">
<image src="@/static/images/theory/scActive.png" mode="" v-if="questionBank.isCollect=='1'"></image>
<image src="@/static/images/theory/sc.png" mode="" v-else></image>
<view class="text">收藏</view>
<up-popup :show="show" @close="closePopup" @open="openPopup" mode="bottom" round="20" closeable>
<view class="popupCon">
<view class="h3">答题卡</view>
<view class="ulRow">
<view class="ul">
<view class="li">
<view class="icon" style="color: #55ff7f;">{{ yesNum }}</view>
<view class="text">答对</view>
<view class="li">
<view class="icon" style="color: #ff0000;">{{ noNum }}</view>
<view class="text">答错</view>
<view class="li" style="margin-left: auto;">
<view class="icon">{{currentIndex}}/<text style="color: #999; font-size: 24rpx;">{{quesIdList.length}}</text></view>
<view class="text">题目</view>
<view class="ul2">
<view class="li2" v-for="(item,index) in quesIdList" :key="index" @click="quesIdListClick(item,index)">
<view class="num" :class="{active: index+1==currentIndex}">{{ index+1 }}</view>
<up-popup :show="showCommt" @close="showCommtClose" mode="bottom" round="20rpx" closeable>
<view class="commtCon" style="padding: 30rpx">
<up-textarea v-model.trim="contentStr" placeholder="请输入反馈内容" style="margin-top: 50rpx;" maxlength="300"></up-textarea>
<up-button text="提 交" style="margin-top: 20rpx;" type="primary" @click="submitCommt"></up-button>
<script setup>
function speak(text) {
const speech = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(text); // 创建语音消息
window.speechSynthesis.speak(speech); // 播报消息
import { startQuestionApi, submitAnswerResultApi, getQuestionApi, questionCommentAdd, questionWrongColle} from '@/config/api.js'
import { debounce } from '@/uni_modules/uview-plus';
import {
} from 'vue';
const currentNav = ref('1')
const types = ref([
const yesNum = ref(0)
const noNum = ref(0)
import carStore from '@/store/modules/car.js'
let usecarStore = carStore()
import {
} from "@dcloudio/uni-app"
// 1:单选题,2:多选题,3:判断题
function changeNav(val) {
if(currentNav.value == val) return
currentNav.value = val
function goEmam() {
// url: '/pages/exercises/exam/exam',
// url: '/pages/exercises/beforeExam/beforeExam',
// url: '/pages/exercises/examResults/examResults',
// url: '/pages/exercises/wrongQuestion/wrongQuestion',
// url: '/pages/exercises/theoryStudy/theoryStudy',
url: '/pages/vip/vipEntry/vipEntry'
function changeTabbar(val) {
const show = ref(false)
function closePopup() {
show.value = false
function openPopup() {
show.value = true
let showCommt = ref(false)
let contentStr = ref('')
function showCommtClose() {
showCommt.value = false
contentStr.value = ''
// 提交反馈
async function submitCommt() {
if(!contentStr.value) return uni.$u.toast('请输入内容')
let obj = {
content: contentStr.value,
const res = await questionCommentAdd(obj)
if(res.errorcode==0) {
showCommt.value = false
// 请求数据
const questionBank = ref({})
let quesIdList = ref([])
let currentIndex = ref(1)
async function startQuestionFn() {
title: '正在加载...'
let obj = {
carType: usecarStore.carInfo.carType,
stepType: usecarStore.carInfo.stepType,
volume: usecarStore.carInfo.volume,
types: usecarStore.carInfo.types,
sift: usecarStore.carInfo.sift,
contentType: usecarStore.carInfo.contentType,
knowType: usecarStore.carInfo.knowType,
chapter: usecarStore.carInfo.chapter,
const {data: res} = await startQuestionApi(obj)
questionBank.value = res.questionBank
quesIdList.value = res.quesIdList
function initOptionArr() {
questionBank.value.optionArr = []
let abcd = [
let option = 'option'+k
if(questionBank.value[option]) {
let obj = {
key: k.toLocaleUpperCase(),
text: questionBank.value[option],
index: i+1
// console.log(questionBank.value.optionArr)
// 如果是判断题
if(questionBank.value.types==3) {
questionBank.value.optionArr[0].key = 'true'
questionBank.value.optionArr[1].key = 'false'
// 下一题
async function nextQuestion(num) {
// 如果是多选题,什么时候不直接请求下一题,是多选题 ,并且有答案,答错了,并且不是next
if(questionBank.value.types==2 && curOption.value.ans) {
// 如果没有请求就请求一下
if(!curOption.value.answer) {
curOption.value.answer = curOption.value.ans
await submitAnswerResultFn()
// 如果答案不一样,并且是第一次请求
if(questionBank.value.answer != curOption.value.ans&&curOption.value.isNext != 'next') {
curOption.value.isNext = 'next'
return false
curOption.value = {}
currentIndex.value = currentIndex.value + num
// 请求下一题
async function getQuestionFn() {
let questionId = quesIdList.value[currentIndex.value-1]
let obj = {
"carType": usecarStore.carInfo.carType,
"questionId": questionId,
"sort": currentIndex.value,
"stepType": usecarStore.carInfo.stepType,
const {data: res} = await getQuestionApi(obj)
questionBank.value = res
curOption.value.isNext = ''
async function quesIdListClick(id, index) {
curOption.value = {}
currentIndex.value = index + 1
show.value = false
// 选择答案
const curOption = ref({})
async function chooseOption(item) {
// console.log(item)
if(curOption.value.answer) return
if(questionBank.value.types != 2) {
item.answer = item.key
curOption.value = item
}else if(questionBank.value.types == 2){
if(!curOption.value.ans) curOption.value.ans = ''
if(curOption.value.ans.includes(item.key)) {
curOption.value.ans = curOption.value.ans.replace(item.key, '')
curOption.value.ans = (curOption.value.ans + item.key).split('').sort().join('')
// console.log(curOption.value.ans)
// 提交请求
async function submitAnswerResultFn() {
let obj = {
answer: curOption.value.answer,
carType: 'car',
result: '0',
stepType: 1,
const res = await submitAnswerResultApi(obj)
if(res.errorcode!=0) return
if(curOption.value.answer==questionBank.value.answer) {
curOption.value = {}
yesNum.value ++
}else {
noNum.value ++
// console.log(res)
async function questionWrongColleFn() {
let isAdd = questionBank.value.isCollect==1?'0':'1'
const obj = {
"carType": usecarStore.carInfo.carType,
"isAdd": isAdd,
"stepType": usecarStore.carInfo.stepType
const res = await questionWrongColle(obj)
questionBank.value.isCollect = isAdd
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