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<view class="name">用户名</view>
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<view class="num">80%</view>
<view class="lab">预测通过率</view>
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<view class="num">10:22</view>
<view class="lab">测试时长</view>
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<view class="num">10</view>
<view class="lab">已做题</view>
<view class="li">
<view class="num">14</view>
<view class="lab">答错题</view>
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<view class="h3">模拟考试成绩</view>
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<view class="btn" @click="changeChart(2)" :class="{bg: currentChart==2}">明细</view>
<view class="tip">近30次科目一模拟考试成绩</view>
<view class="con" v-if="currentChart==1">
<view class="tips">按住可左右滑动查看更多成绩</view>
<view class="con" v-if="currentChart==2">
<view class="tables">
<view class="fristTab li">
<view class="item">考试成绩</view>
<view class="item">考试用时</view>
<view class="item">考试时间</view>
<view class="li">
<view class="item">90</view>
<view class="item">10分30秒</view>
<view class="item">2024-8-28</view>
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