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<view class="examNo">
<view class="h3">洛阳学车</view>
<view class="card">第01号台</view>
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<view class="h3">考生信息</view>
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<image src="@/static/logo.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="txt">姓名大乔</view>
<view class="txt">性别</view>
<view class="txt">类型小车</view>
<view class="txt">科目科目一</view>
<view class="examConBox">
<view class="leftBox">
<view class="h3">考试题目</view>
<view class="questionTxt">
<view class="txt">32.如图所示驾驶机动车遇到这种情况以下做法正确的是</view>
<view class="txt">A:减速慢行</view>
<view class="txt">B:减速慢行</view>
<view class="txt">C:减速慢行</view>
<view class="txt">D:减速慢行</view>
<view class="answer flex-b">
<view class="lab">您的答案</view>
<view class="rightSelect flex">
<view class="lab">选项</view>
<view class="optio flex">
<view class="optionItem">A</view>
<view class="optionItem">B</view>
<view class="optionItem active">C</view>
<view class="optionItem">D</view>
<view class="rightBox">
<!-- 右边盒子 -->
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<th class="blueItem br">题目</th>
<th v-for="(item,index) in 10" class="blueItem br">{{index+1}}列</th>
<tr v-for="(item,index) in 10">
<td class="blueItem bb">{{index+1}}行</td>
<td v-for="(item2,index2) in 10" class="ansItem">{{ item2 }}</td>
<view class="row row2">
<view class="timeBox">
<view class="h3">考试时间</view>
<view class="time">15:10</view>
<view class="leftTpsBox">
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<view class="h3">操作提示</view>
<view class="txt">本题为单选题,请在备选答案中选择一个你认为正确的答案!</view>
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