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<template> <view class="content"> <up-navbar leftText=" " :leftIconColor="'#fff'" :safeAreaInsetTop="true" :autoBack="true" title="我的学习" :bgColor="'transparent'" :titleStyle="{color: '#fff'}" :fixed="false"> </up-navbar> <view class="padding"> <view class="studyDay" v-if="info.days">已坚持学习{{info.days}}天</view> <view class="card"> <view class="tabs"> <view class="tab" @click="changeNav(1)" :class="{active: currentNav==1}">科一</view> <view class="tab" @click="changeNav(4)" :class="{active: currentNav==4}">科四</view> </view> <view class="pd20"> <view class="statistics"> <view class="statisticsItem" v-for="(item,index) in statisticsData" :key="index"> <view class="num">{{ item.num }}</view> <view class="text">{{ }}</view> </view> </view> <view class="h3">刷题进度</view> <view class="bgCard_row"> <view class="bgCard"> <view class="lab">顺序练习</view> <view class="tps">已完成(题)</view> <view class="num">{{adCount.orderAlready }} <text>/</text>{{ adCount.orderTotal }}</view> </view> <view class="bgCard"> <view class="lab">精选试题</view> <view class="tps">已完成(题)</view> <view class="num">{{adCount.siftAlready }}<text>/</text>{{ adCount.siftTotal }}</view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <statistics tit="模拟考试" :chartData="chartData" :listData="listData" key="1" :subject="currentNav"></statistics> <statistics tit="防真考试" :chartData="chartData2" :listData="listData2" key="2" :subject="currentNav" url="/pages/exercises/beforeExam/beforeExam"></statistics> </view> </view> </template>
<script setup> import { ref } from 'vue' import nodata from '@/components/nodata/nodata.vue' import { mystudy, examStatistics, indexAdCount } from '@/config/api.js' import statistics from './comp/statistics.vue' const value = ref(false) const currentNav = ref(1) import carStore from '@/store/modules/car.js' let usecarStore = carStore() currentNav.value = usecarStore.carInfo.stepType function changeNav(val) { if(currentNav.value == val) return currentNav.value = val let data = info.value.oneresponse if(val==2) { data = info.value.fourResponse } initStatisticsData(data) indexAdCountFn() } const statisticsData = ref([]) const info = ref({}) async function mystudyFn() { const {data: res} = await mystudy(usecarStore.carInfo.carType) initStatisticsData(res.oneresponse) info.value = res console.log(res) } function initStatisticsData(data) { statisticsData.value = [ {name: '我的收藏', num: data.collectCount || 0}, {name: '我的错题', num: data.errorCount || 0}, {name: '考试记录', num: data.examCount || 0}, {name: '预计合格率', num: data.exampassRate +'%' || 0}, ] } mystudyFn() // stepType 1模拟考试 2仿真考试
let chartData = ref({}) let listData = ref([]) let chartData2 = ref({}) let listData2 = ref([]) async function examStatisticsFn(examType) { let obj = usecarStore.carInfo const {data: res} = await examStatistics({carType: obj.carType, stepType: obj.stepType, examType}) if(!res?.length) return let obj2 = { categories:>item.formatStartTime), series: [ { name: "目标值", data:>item.score) } ] } if(examType==1) { listData.value = res chartData.value = obj2 console.log(chartData.value) }else { listData2.value = res chartData2.value = obj2 console.log(chartData2.value) } } examStatisticsFn(1) examStatisticsFn(2) // 统计多少题目
let adCount = ref({}) async function indexAdCountFn() { const {data:res} = await indexAdCount({subject: currentNav.value, carType: usecarStore.carInfo.carType, city:}) adCount.value = res } indexAdCountFn() </script>
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