// ../../../../../work/questionbankvue3/node_modules/vue-jsonp/dist/index.esm.js
function e(t2, n2) { t2 = t2.replace(/=/g, ""); var o2 = []; switch (n2.constructor) { case String: case Number: case Boolean: o2.push(encodeURIComponent(t2) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(n2)); break; case Array: n2.forEach(function(n3) { o2 = o2.concat(e(t2 + "[]=", n3)); }); break; case Object: Object.keys(n2).forEach(function(r) { var a = n2[r]; o2 = o2.concat(e(t2 + "[" + r + "]", a)); }); } return o2; } function t(e2) { var n2 = []; return e2.forEach(function(e3) { "string" == typeof e3 ? n2.push(e3) : n2 = n2.concat(t(e3)); }), n2; } var n = { install: function(e2) { e2.prototype.$jsonp = o; } }; function o(n2, o2, r) { if (void 0 === o2 && (o2 = {}), "string" != typeof n2) throw new Error('[Vue-jsonp] Type of param "url" is not string.'); if ("object" != typeof o2 || !o2) throw new Error("[Vue-jsonp] Invalid params, should be an object."); return r = "number" == typeof r ? r : 5e3, new Promise(function(a, c) { var u = "string" == typeof o2.callbackQuery ? o2.callbackQuery : "callback", i = "string" == typeof o2.callbackName ? o2.callbackName : "jsonp_" + (Math.floor(1e5 * Math.random()) * Date.now()).toString(16); o2[u] = i, delete o2.callbackQuery, delete o2.callbackName; var s = []; Object.keys(o2).forEach(function(t2) { s = s.concat(e(t2, o2[t2])); }); var l = t(s).join("&"), f = function() { p(), clearTimeout(m), c({ status: 400, statusText: "Bad Request" }); }, p = function() { b.removeEventListener("error", f); }, d = function() { document.body.removeChild(b), delete window[i]; }, m = null; r > -1 && (m = setTimeout(function() { p(), d(), c({ statusText: "Request Timeout", status: 408 }); }, r)), window[i] = function(e2) { clearTimeout(m), p(), d(), a(e2); }; var b = document.createElement("script"); b.addEventListener("error", f), b.src = n2 + (/\?/.test(n2) ? "&" : "?") + l, document.body.appendChild(b); }); } export { n as VueJsonp, o as jsonp }; /*! Bundled license information:
vue-jsonp/dist/index.esm.js: (** * Vue Jsonp. * # Carry Your World # * * @author: LancerComet * @license: MIT *) */ //# sourceMappingURL=vue-jsonp.js.map