<template> <div class="wrapper"> <div class="header"> <!-- <view class="back_div"> <image class="back_img" @click="back_city()" src="@/static/images/back_img.png" mode=""></image> </view> --> <input class="input" @input="onInput" placeholder="搜索 中文/拼音/首字母" v-model="searchValue" /> </div> <scroll-view class="calendar-list" scroll-y="true" :scroll-into-view="scrollIntoId"> <view v-if="disdingwei" id="hot"> <!-- 定位模块 --> <view class="dingwei"> <view class="dingwei_Tips"> 当前定位 </view> <view class="dingwei_city"> <view style="min-width: 100rpx;"> <view class="dingwei_city_one" @click="back_city(currentCity)" v-if="currentCity.cityName"> {{currentCity.cityName}} </view> </view> <view class="dingweis_div" @click="getWarpweft"> <image class="dingweis" src="@/static/images/dingweis.png" mode=""></image> <text>{{po_tips}}</text> </view> </view> </view>
<!-- 最近模块 --> <view class="dingwei"> <view class="dingwei_Tips"> 热门城市 </view> <view class="dingwei_city dingwei_city_zuijin"> <view class="dingwei_city_one toright" v-for="(item,index) in hotCity" @click="back_city(item)"> {{item.cityName}} </view> </view> </view>
<!-- 城市列表 --> <view v-if="searchValue == ''" v-for="(item, index) in list" :id="getId(index)" :key="index"> <view class="letter-header">{{ getId(index) }}</view> <view class="city-div" v-for="(city, i) in item" :key="i" @click="back_city(city)"> <text class="city">{{ city.cityName }}</text> </view> </view> <!-- 搜索结果 --> <view class="city-div" v-for="(item, index) in searchList" @click="back_city(item)"> <text class="city">{{ item.cityName }}</text> </view> </scroll-view>
<!-- 右侧字母 --> <view class="letters" v-if="searchValue == ''"> <view class="letters-item" v-for="item in letter" :key="item" @click="scrollTo(item)">{{ item }}</view> </view>
<!-- 选中之后字母 --> <view class="mask" v-if="showMask"> <view class="mask-r">{{selectLetter}}</view> </view> </div> </template>
<script> import allCity from './allCity.js' import HotCity from './HotCity.js' import carStore from '@/store/modules/car.js' let usecarStore = carStore() import setObj from '@/config/site.config.js'; let { mapKey } = setObj
import { jsonp } from 'vue-jsonp' export default {
data() { return { letter: [], selectLetter: '', searchValue: '', scrollIntoId: '', list: [], tId: null, searchList: [], showMask: false, disdingwei: true, Visit: [], //最近访问
currentCity: ' ', longitude: '', //经度
latitude: '', //纬度
seconds: 3, po_tips: '重新定位', citys: [], hotCity: HotCity } },
created() { console.log(usecarStore) //获取存储的最近访问
this.initcity() var that = this uni.getStorage({ key: 'Visit_key', success: function(res) { that.Visit = res.data } }); //获取定位 经度纬度
that.getWarpweft() //获取city.js 的程序字母
var mu = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' ]; var tmp = []; for (var i = 0; i < mu.length; i++) { var item = mu[i]; for (var j = 0; j < this.citys.length; j++) { var py = this.citys[j].py; if (py.substring(0, 1) == item) { if (tmp.indexOf(item) == -1) { this.list[i] = [this.citys[j]]; tmp.push(item); this.letter.push(item.toUpperCase()); } else { this.list[i].push(this.citys[j]); } } } } }, methods: { initcity() { let cityArr = allCity.map(arr => { return arr.cityInfoList.map(item => { let obj = { cityName: item.cityName, pinYin: item.cityPinyin, py: item.cityAcronym.toLocaleLowerCase(), code: item.cityCode, cityInitial: item.cityInitial } return obj }) }) this.citys = cityArr.flat() console.log(this.citys) }, getId(index) { return this.letter[index]; },
scrollTo(letter) { this.showMask = true this.selectLetter = letter == 'hot' ? '最' : letter setTimeout(() => { this.showMask = false }, 300); this.scrollIntoId = letter; },
query(source, text) { console.log(source, text) let res = []; var self = this; res = source.filter(item => { const arr = []; let isHave = false; Object.keys(item).forEach(prop => { const itemStr = item[prop]; self.isString(itemStr) && itemStr.split(',').forEach(val => { arr.push(val); }); }); arr.some(val => { isHave = new RegExp('^' + text).test(val); return isHave; }); return isHave; }); console.log(JSON.stringify(res)); return res; },
isString(obj) { return typeof obj === 'string'; },
onInput(e) { const value = e.detail.value; console.log(value); if (value !== '' && this.citys && this.citys.length > 0) { const queryData = this.query(this.citys, String(value).trim()); this.searchList = queryData; this.disdingwei = false } else { this.searchList = []; this.disdingwei = true } },
back_city(item) { if (item) { console.log(item) usecarStore.setCar('city', item.code) usecarStore.setCar('cityName', item.cityName) uni.navigateBack() return this.$emit('back_city', item); //unshift 把数据插入到首位,与push相反
this.Visit.unshift(item) this.searchValue = ""; this.disdingwei = true var arr = this.Visit //数组去重
function distinct(arr) { let newArr = [] for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (newArr.indexOf(arr[i]) < 0) { newArr.push(arr[i]) } } return newArr } this.Visit = distinct(arr) console.log(this.Visit, "---最近访问") uni.setStorage({ key: 'Visit_key', data: this.Visit }); } else { this.$emit('back_city', 'no'); }
getWarpweft() { var that = this that.po_tips = '定位中...' // let key = 'NRWBZ-TKRWV-CSAPH-5PFDS-J4HT6-IWF4O'
let countdown = setInterval(() => { that.seconds--; uni.getLocation({ type: 'wgs84', success: function(res) { console.log('当前位置的经度:' + res.longitude); console.log('当前位置的纬度:' + res.latitude); that.longitude = res.longitude that.latitude = res.latitude
let url = 'https://apis.map.qq.com/ws/geocoder/v1/' jsonp(url, { key: mapKey, location: res.latitude + ',' + res.longitude, output: 'jsonp' }).then(res => { console.log('jsonp', res.result.address_component); let { province, city, district } = res.result.address_component; that.province = province; that.city = city; that.area = district; console.log(province, city, district); that.currentCity = that.citys.find(item => item.cityName == city) if (!that.currentCity) { uni.$u.toast('获取定位失败,请手动选择城市') } console.log(that.currentCity, '当前城市') }).catch(() => { uni.$u.toast('获取定位失败,请手动选择城市') })
}, fail() { uni.$u.toast('获取定位失败,请手动选择城市') } }) if (that.seconds <= 0) { that.seconds = 3 that.po_tips = '重新定位' clearInterval(countdown); } }, 1000); }
} }; </script>
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