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  1. <template>
  2. <view class="main batchExecution">
  3. <view class="pad">
  4. <u--form labelPosition="left" :model="FormData" ref="uForm" labelWidth="160rpx">
  5. <u-form-item label="执行机器" :required="true" @click="$goPage('/pages/sub/batchExecution/selectMachine')">
  6. <!-- <u--input v-model="" placeholder="请选择" disabledColor="#ffffff" style="pointer-events: none;"
  7. border="none"></u--input> -->
  8. <view class="blueTxt">忆选择{{FormData.machineIdList.length}}台机器</view>
  9. <u-icon slot="right" name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
  10. </u-form-item>
  11. <u-form-item label="执行命令" :required="true">
  12. <view class="blueTxt" @click="$goPage('/pages/sub/batchExecution/selectTemplate')">选择模版</view>
  13. <u-icon slot="right" name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
  14. </u-form-item>
  15. <view class="modalBox">
  16. <view class="modalCon">
  17. {{FormData.command}}
  18. </view>
  19. <!-- <Editor ref="editor" :value="FormData.command" /> -->
  20. </view>
  21. <u-form-item label="执行描述" :required="true">
  22. <u--input v-model="" border="none" placeholder="请输入"></u--input>
  23. </u-form-item>
  24. </u--form>
  25. </view>
  26. <view class="btn_row">
  27. <view class="btnBg" @click="batchExecFn"> </view>
  28. </view>
  29. </view>
  30. </template>
  31. <script>
  32. import {
  33. batchExec
  34. } from '@/config/api.js'
  35. // import Editor from './aceEditor.vue'
  36. export default {
  37. components: {
  38. // Editor
  39. },
  40. data() {
  41. return {
  42. FormData: {
  43. command: '',
  44. description: '',
  45. sendLf: true, //这不知道什么参数
  46. machineIdList: []
  47. },
  48. }
  49. },
  50. onLoad() {
  51. uni.$on('chooseMachine', (listId) => {
  52. this.FormData.machineIdList = listId
  53. })
  54. uni.$on('pickTemplate', (temp) => {
  55. this.FormData.command = temp.value
  56. })
  57. },
  58. methods: {
  59. async batchExecFn() {
  60. // this.FormData.command = this.$refs.editor.getValue()
  61. if (!this.FormData.machineIdList.length) {
  62. this.$u.toast('请选择执行机器')
  63. return
  64. }
  65. const command = this.FormData.command
  66. if (!command.trim().length) {
  67. this.$u.toast('请输入执行命令')
  68. return
  69. }
  70. if (command.length > 2048) {
  71. this.$u.toast(`执行命令不能超过2048位 当前${command.length}`)
  72. return
  73. }
  74. const {
  75. data: res
  76. } = await batchExec(this.FormData)
  77. this.$goPage('/pages/sub/batchExecution/executionDetails?relId=' + res[0].execId)
  78. }
  79. }
  80. }
  81. </script>
  82. <style>
  83. .batchExecution .u-form-item {
  84. background-color: #ffff;
  85. border-radius: 6rpx;
  86. padding: 0 34rpx;
  87. margin-bottom: 30rpx;
  88. }
  89. </style>
  90. <style lang="scss" scoped>
  91. .btn_row {
  92. padding: 40rpx;
  93. .btnBg {
  94. width: 100%;
  95. }
  96. }
  97. .blueTxt {
  98. color: $themC;
  99. text-align: right;
  100. width: 100%;
  101. }
  102. .pad {
  103. padding: 32rpx;
  104. }
  105. .modalBox {
  106. background-color: #fff;
  107. padding: 0 30rpx 20rpx 30rpx;
  108. transform: translateY(-30rpx);
  109. .modalCon {
  110. width: 100%;
  111. background-color: #f5f5f5;
  112. padding: 20px;
  113. }
  114. }
  115. </style>