You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

202 lines
5.2 KiB

<view class="pageBgImg">
<topNavbar :title="title"></topNavbar>
<view class="pad" style="padding-bottom: 60rpx;">
<step1 v-if="currentStep==1" @openPopup="openPopup" :FormData="FormData" @showStep2="showStep2" @updatedForm="updatedForm"></step1>
<step2 v-if="currentStep==2" @changeStep="changeStep" :FormData="FormData" ref="step2Ref"></step2>
<u-popup :show="show" mode="center" :round="8">
<view class="popupCon">
<view class="h2">再次确认预约信息</view>
<view class="content">
<view class="row">
<view class="lab">预约类型</view>
<view class="val">实操训练预约</view>
<view class="row">
<view class="lab">预约科目</view>
<view class="val">{{FormData.subject==2?'科目二': '科目三'}}</view>
<view class="row">
<view class="lab">预约场地</view>
<view class="">
<view class="val" v-for="item in FormData.showSiteName" :key="item.id">{{item}}</view>
<view class="row">
<view class="lab">预约车辆</view>
<view class="">
<view class="val" v-for="item in FormData.showCarName" :key="item">{{ item }}</view>
<view class="row">
<view class="lab">预约时间</view>
<view class="val" >{{ FormData.classDate}} {{FormData.classTime}}</view>
<view class="btn_row">
<view class="border btn" @click="show = false">返回修改</view>
<view class="btn" @click="masterCreateFn">确认</view>
import step1 from './comp/step1'
import step2 from './comp/step2'
import { masterCreate } from '@/config/api.js'
export default {
components: { step1, step2,},
data() {
return {
currentStep: 1,
title: '实操训练预约',
FormData: {
carId: '',
subject: 2,
classDate: '',
classTime: '',
licnum: '',
trainType: 'C1',
coachId: '',
coachName: '',
carNumber: '',//车牌号
siteName: '',//场地名称
siteAddress: '',//场地地址
photoPath: '',
courseArr: [],
showSiteName: [],//去重后的场地
showCarName: [],//去重后的车
show: false
onLoad(options) {
this.subject = options.subject
if(this.subject==2) {
this.title = '实操训练科目二预约'
}else if(this.subject==3) {
this.title = '实操训练科目三预约'
if(options.subject) this.FormData.subject = options.subject
this.FormData.trainType = this.vuex_userInfo.trainType
this.FormData.studentId = this.vuex_userInfo.id
this.FormData.coachId = this.vuex_userInfo.coachId
this.FormData.coachName = this.vuex_userInfo.coachName
onReachBottom() {
if(this.currentStep==2) {
methods: {
updatedForm(val) {
this.FormData = val
changeStep(num) {
this.currentStep = num
openPopup() {
this.FormData.classDate = this.FormData.courseArr[0].classDate
this.FormData.showSiteName = [...new Set(this.FormData.courseArr.map(item=>item.siteName))]
this.FormData.showCarName = [...new Set(this.FormData.courseArr.map(item=>item.carNumber))]
let classTime = [...new Set(this.FormData.courseArr.map(item=>{ return item.classTime.slice(0,2)}))]
if(classTime.length>1) {
let minTime = Math.min(...classTime)
let maxTime = Math.max(...classTime)
this.FormData.classTime = (minTime*1>9?minTime: '0'+minTime + '-') + (maxTime*1>9?maxTime: '0'+maxTime)
}else {
this.FormData.classTime = this.FormData.courseArr[0].classTime
this.show = true
showStep2() {
this.currentStep = 2
async masterCreateFn() {
this.show = false
let obj = {
"studentId": this.FormData.studentId,
"coachId": this.FormData.coachId,
"classDate": this.FormData.classDate,
"selectScheduleClass": this.FormData.courseArr.map(item=>item.id),
// classId: [this.FormData.courseIds]
const {data: res} = await masterCreate(obj)
if(res) {
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.h2 {
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color: #333333;
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font-size: 28rpx;
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.lab {
width: 180rpx;
color: #686B73;
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