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// UIImage+bioAuth.h
// BioAuthEngine
// Created by 王伟伟 on 2017/8/23.
// Copyright © 2017年 DTF. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <CoreMedia/CoreMedia.h>
@interface UIImage (bioAuth)
+ (nullable UIImage *)bioAuth_imageWithColor:(UIColor *_Nullable)color size:(CGSize)size;
#pragma mark - Resize -
- (nullable UIImage *)resize:(CGSize)sz;
- (nullable UIImage *)subRect:(CGRect)r;
- (nullable UIImage *)gaussiamBlur;
- (nullable UIImage *)bioAuth_Resize:(CGSize)sz;
- (nullable UIImage *)bioAuth_SubRect:(CGRect)r;
- (nullable UIImage *)bioAuth_GaussiamBlur;
+ (nullable UIImage *)bioAuth_imageWithCVPixelBuffer:(CVPixelBufferRef _Nullable )buffer;
+ (nullable UIImage *)bioAuth_imageWithCMSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef _Nullable )samplebuffer;
- (nullable UIImage *)bioAuth_imageByResizeToSize:(CGSize)size contentMode:(UIViewContentMode)contentMode;