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// APFCherryDefine.h
// APBToygerFacade
// Created by shouyi.www on 27/02/2017.
// Copyright © 2017 DTF. All rights reserved.
#ifndef APBToygerFacadeDefine_h
#define APBToygerFacadeDefine_h
static float normalized_distance(float current_value, float best_value, float range) {
return fabsf((current_value - best_value) / range);
//typedef struct toyger_status_evaluator_t {
// float pitch;
// float yaw;
// float width;
// float best_pitch;
// float best_yaw;
// float best_width;
// float pitch_range;
// float yaw_range;
// float width_range;
// float pitch_weight;
// float yaw_weight;
// float width_weight;
// toyger_status_evaluator_t(float pitch_ = -0.3, float pitch_range_ = 0.7, float best_pitch_ = 0, float pitch_weight_ = 1,
// float yaw_ = -0.6, float yaw_range_ = 0.6, float best_yaw_ = 0, float yaw_weight_ = 1,
// float width_ = 0.2, float width_range_ = 1.2, float best_width_ = 0.7, float width_weight_ = 1){
// pitch = pitch_;
// yaw = yaw_;
// width = width_;
// pitch_range = pitch_range_;
// yaw_range = yaw_range_;
// width_range = width_range_;
// best_pitch = best_pitch_;
// best_yaw = best_yaw_;
// best_width = best_width_;
// pitch_weight = pitch_weight_;
// yaw_weight = yaw_weight_;
// width_weight = width_weight_;
// }
// void reset(){
// pitch = -0.3;
// yaw = -0.6;
// width = 0.2;
// }
// void update(float pitch_, float yaw_, float width_) {
// pitch = pitch_;
// yaw = yaw_;
// width = width_;
// }
// float evaluateProgress(float pitch_, float yaw_, float width_){
// return
// (normalized_distance(pitch_, best_pitch, pitch_range) * pitch_weight +
// normalized_distance(yaw_, best_yaw, yaw_range) * yaw_weight +
// normalized_distance(width_, best_width, width_range) * width_weight) /
// (pitch_weight + yaw_weight + width_weight);
// }
// float evaluate(){
// return 1 -
// (normalized_distance(pitch, best_pitch, pitch_range) * pitch_weight +
// normalized_distance(yaw, best_yaw, yaw_range) * yaw_weight +
// normalized_distance(width, best_width, width_range) * width_weight) /
// (pitch_weight + yaw_weight + width_weight);
// }
typedef struct apbtoyger_tip_evaluator_t {
bool pose_end;
bool has_face;
bool did_blink;
bool pos_okay;
bool quality_okay;
bool under_exposure;
bool face_width_too_small;
bool face_width_too_big;
bool integrity_fail;
bool yaw_fail;
bool pitch_fail;
bool tremble_fail;
bool did_checkSeven;
int tip_timer_wait_cnt;
bool tip_show_switch;
int tip_message;
void reset(){
has_face = false;
did_blink = false;
pos_okay = false;
under_exposure = false;
face_width_too_small = false;
integrity_fail = false;
pitch_fail = false;
face_width_too_big = false;
yaw_fail = false;
tremble_fail = false;
tip_timer_wait_cnt = 0;
tip_show_switch = true;
did_checkSeven = false;
quality_okay = false;
pose_end = false;
tip_message =0;
typedef enum : NSUInteger {
APBToygerUIStyleFPPCherry = 991, //991 FPP樱桃(废弃)
APBToygerUIStyleCherry, //992 zFace樱桃
APBToygerUIStyleGarfield, //993 加菲
} APBToygerUIStyle;