// // deviceiOS.h // deviceiOS // // Created by nansong.zxc on 2020/3/25. // Copyright © 2020 security.net. All rights reserved. // #import #import "SecuritySession.h" //! Project version number for deviceiOS. FOUNDATION_EXPORT double deviceiOSVersionNumber; //! Project version string for deviceiOS. FOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char deviceiOSVersionString[]; // In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import @interface SecurityDevice : NSObject /** * 设备指纹单例 */ + (SecurityDevice *)sharedInstance; /** * 设备指纹初始化函数 */ - (void)initDevice:(NSString *)userAppKey :(void (^)(int))initCallback; /** * 底层数据传输走IPv6 */ - (void)initDeviceIPV6:(NSString *)userAppKey :(void (^)(int))initCallback; /** * 获取DeviceToken */ - (SecuritySession *) getSession; /** * 用户自定义上报数据 */ - (void)reportUserData:(int)type :(NSString *)msg; /** * 在某些特殊时机上报,具体上报时机请联系 对接人员咨询 */ - (void)reportMoment; /** * 读取本次 */ - (SecuritySessionId *)getSessionId; /** * 设置自定义选项 */ - (void)setOptions:(NSDictionary *)options; @end