You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
<template> <view class="pageBgImg pad"> <view class="status_bar"></view> <view class="" style="height: 100rpx;"></view> <!-- <u-button @click="requestSingleFreshLocationFn">单次定位</u-button> --> <u-button @click="getInitFaceVerifyFn">人脸核身</u-button> <topInfo :carType="" @changeSubject="changeSubject"></topInfo> <subject1 v-if=""></subject1> <subject2 v-if=""></subject2> <subject3 v-if=""></subject3> <subject4 v-if=""></subject4> </view> </template>
<script> import topInfo from './comp/topInfo.vue' import subject1 from './comp/subject1.vue' import subject2 from './comp/subject2.vue' import subject3 from './comp/subject3.vue' import subject4 from './comp/subject4.vue' // import { requestSingleFreshLocation } from '@/common/js/qqLatLng.js'
import { getInitFaceVerify } from '@/config/api.js' export default { components: { topInfo, subject1, subject2,subject3,subject4 }, data() { return { curObject: { name: '科目一', id: 1 } } }, onLoad() { // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN
// initEid();
// #endif
// const verifyPlugin = uni.requireNativePlugin('AP-FaceDetectModule');
// var metaInfo = verifyPlugin.getMetaInfo();
// console.log('插件在?')
// console.log(verifyPlugin)
}, onShow() { this.getInitFaceVerifyFn() }, methods: { // 切换科目
changeSubject(val) { console.log(val) this.curObject = val }, async getInitFaceVerifyFn() { const res = await getInitFaceVerify() console.log('人脸token') console.log(res) }, async requestSingleFreshLocationFn() { let lanLng = await requestSingleFreshLocation() if(lanLng.sourceProvider=='fake') { this.$u.toast('不能执行该操作,禁止使用虚拟定位') } console.log(lanLng) console.log('lanlng') } } } </script>
<style scoped lang="scss"> </style>