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<template> <view class="itemBox" > <view class="img" v-if="item.schoolIntroduceDO&&item.schoolIntroduceDO.iconPath&&$u.utils.isImagePath(item.schoolIntroduceDO.iconPath)"> <image :src="item.schoolIntroduceDO.iconPath" mode="" @error="imgError" lazy-load style="width: 200rpx;height: 135rpx;display: block;"></image> </view> <view class="img" v-else> <image src="@/static/images/bigImg/jlcbg.png" mode="aspectFill"></image> </view> <view class="textCon"> <view class="name oneRowText">{{}}</view> <view class="flex-b"> <view style="display: flex;"> <view class="starBox"> <view class="num">{{item.stars|| '无'}}</view> </view> <moreRight :text="`${item.reviewTotal}条评价` "@click.native="$goPage('/pages/indexEntry/findShcool/shcoolComment/shcoolComment?id='+" v-if="item.stars&&showReviewTotal"/> </view> <callPhone v-if="showPhone" :servicePhone="[{name:}]" > <view class="pozPhone"> <image src="@/static/images/indexIcon/phone.png" mode=""></image> </view> </callPhone> </view> <view class="adr">{{item.districtName}}<text style="margin-left: 6rpx;" v-if="">距您{{ $u.utils.distanceFn(item.distance)}}</text> </view> <!-- <view class="credit">行业信用 <text v-if="item.creditrating">{{item.creditrating}}</text></view> --> </view> </view> </template>
<script> export default { props: { showPhone: { type: Boolean, default: true }, item: { type: Object, default: {} }, showReviewTotal: { type: Boolean,//是否展示显示多少条评论
default: false } }, methods: { imgError() { delete this.item.schoolIntroduceDO.iconPath console.log('这图片有问题', this.item.schoolIntroduceDO.iconPath) this.$forceUpdate() } } } </script>
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// background-size: cover;
} .textCon { flex: 1; font-size: 24rpx; padding: 0 0 0 20rpx; width: 0; .name { font-size: 26rpx; margin-top: 4rpx; color: #363A44; } .starBox { margin: 10rpx 10rpx 10rpx 0; } .credit { color: #1989FA; margin-bottom: 4rpx; } .adr { color: #999; font-size: 24rpx; } } .pozPhone { width: 55rpx; height: 55rpx; margin-top: 10rpx; } </style>