You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

130 lines
3.6 KiB

<view class="">
<!-- 学生端 -->
<u-tabbar v-if="showWho=='student'" :value="student" @change="studentChange" :fixed="true" :placeholder="true"
:safeAreaInsetBottom="true" activeColor="#31aef1">
<u-tabbar-item v-for="i in studentList" :key='i.id' :text="i.name" :name="i.name">
<image class="u-page__item__slot-icon" slot="active-icon" :src="i.active" mode="widthFix"></image>
<image class="u-page__item__slot-icon" slot="inactive-icon" :src="i.inactive" mode="widthFix"></image>
<!-- 教师端 -->
<u-tabbar :value="teacher" @change="teacherChange" :fixed="true" :placeholder="true"
:safeAreaInsetBottom="true" activeColor="#31aef1">
<u-tabbar-item v-for="i in teacherList" :key='i.id' :text="i.name" :name="i.name">
<image class="u-page__item__slot-icon" slot="active-icon" :src="i.active" mode="widthFix"></image>
<image class="u-page__item__slot-icon" slot="inactive-icon" :src="i.inactive" mode="widthFix"></image>
export default {
props: ['tabNumber'],
data() {
return {
teacher: '课堂',
student: '',
showWho: 'teacher',
teacherList: [{
id: 1,
name: '课堂',
active: '../../static/images/tabbar/syActive.png',
inactive: '../../static/images/tabbar/sy.png'
id: 2,
name: '兴趣小组',
active: '../../static/images/tabbar/tkActive.png',
inactive: '../../static/images/tabbar/tk.png'
id: 3,
name: '我的',
active: '../../static/images/tabbar/zxActive.png',
inactive: '../../static/images/tabbar/zx.png'
studentList: [{
id: 1,
name: '学员课堂',
active: '../../static/images/tabbar/syActive.png',
inactive: '../../static/images/tabbar/sy.png'
id: 2,
name: '学员兴趣小组',
active: '../../static/images/tabbar/tkActive.png',
inactive: '../../static/images/tabbar/tk.png'
id: 3,
name: '学员我的',
active: '../../static/images/tabbar/zxActive.png',
inactive: '../../static/images/tabbar/zx.png'
mounted() {
// if (uni.getStorageSync('status') == 'teacher') {
// this.showWho = 'student'
// } else {
// this.showWho = 'teacher'
// }
this.student = this.tabNumber
this.teacher = this.tabNumber
methods: {
teacherChange(e) {
this.teacher = e
if (e == '课堂') {
url: "/pages/tabbar/index/index"
// uni.hideHomeButton() //为了防止跳转页面后,小程序右上角会出现一个回到主页的小房子
} else if (e == "兴趣小组") {
url: "/pages/tabbar/question/index"
// uni.hideHomeButton()
} else if (e == "我的") {
url: "/pages/tabbar/mine/index"
// uni.hideHomeButton()
studentChange(e) {
this.student = e
// if (e == '课堂') {
// uni.reLaunch({
// url: "/pages/index/CourseTeacherIndex"
// })
// uni.hideHomeButton() //为了防止跳转页面后,小程序右上角会出现一个回到主页的小房子
// } else if (e == "兴趣小组") {
// uni.reLaunch({
// url: "/pages/interestGroup/interestGroup"
// })
// uni.hideHomeButton()
// } else if (e == "我的") {
// uni.reLaunch({
// url: "/pages/mine/mine"
// })
// uni.hideHomeButton()
// }
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.u-page__item__slot-icon {
display: block;
width: 56rpx;
height: 56rpx;