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  1. var http = uni.$u.http
  2. // 隐私政策
  3. export const getAgreement = (params, config = {}) => http.post('/util/manage/getAgreement.do', params, config)
  4. // 验证码登录
  5. export const loginPwd = (data) => http.post('system/auth/login', data, { custom: { noToken: true , 'Tenant-Id': data['Tenant-Id']}})
  6. // 获取个人信息
  7. export const getUserInfo = (data) => http.post('member/user/get', {header: {'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'}})
  8. // 退出登录
  9. export const logOut = (data={}) => http.post('member/auth/logout', data, { custom: { noToken: true }})
  10. // 驾校列表分页
  11. export const schoolPage = (params) => http.get('business/school/page', {params: params})
  12. // 获得租户分页
  13. export const tenantPage = (params) => http.get('system/tenant/pages', {params: params})