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<template> <view class="content pageBg"> <view class="userInfo"> <view class="tit">Hi,大乔{{identity=='校长'?'校长': '教练'}}</view> <view class="flex userRow"> <view class="schoolIcon"> <image src="@/static/images/index/ic_jiaxiao.png" mode=""></image> </view> <view class="schoolName oneRowText">翔力驾校</view> <view class="tag" v-if="identity=='校长'">驾校校长</view> <view class="tag" v-else>合作教练</view> </view> </view> <view class="card priceBox"> <view class="blueLab">今日已结算金额</view> <view class="price">¥36333.66</view> <view class="toDay" v-if="identity==2"> <view class="row"> <view class="lab">今日学员退款</view> <view class="val">¥900</view> </view> <view class="row"> <view class="lab">今日代收费</view> <view class="val">¥900</view> </view> <view class="row"> <view class="lab">今日学员退款</view> <view class="val">¥900</view> </view> </view> <view class="flex-b"> <view class="data">截止:2023/08/08 11:00:00</view> <view class="refresh"> <view class="text">刷新</view> <view class="icon"> <image src="@/static/images/index/ic_shuaxin.png" mode=""></image> </view> </view> </view> </view> <view class="h1"> {{identity=='实操教练'?'结算': '收入'}}统计</view> <view class="tabs"> <view class="tab" @click="tabClick(1)" :class="{active: currentTab==1}">按日</view> <view class="tab" @click="tabClick(2)" :class="{active: currentTab==2}">按月</view> <view class="tab" @click="tabClick(3)" :class="{active: currentTab==3}">按年</view> <view class="tab long" @click="tabClick(4)" :class="{active: currentTab==4}">自定义日期</view> </view> <view class="card"> <view class="chart"> 图表到时候一起调 </view> </view> <view class="flex-b"> <view class="h1">{{identity=='实操教练'?'结算': '收入'}}明细</view> <moreRight text="更多"/> </view> <view class="record"> <view class="card" v-for="(item,index) in 10" :key="index"> <stage/> </view> </view> <view class="moreBtn" @click="$goPage('/pages/indexEntry/settlement/settlement')">查看更多</view> <UserTab :name ='identity=="实操教练"?"首页":"统计" '></UserTab> <u-datetime-picker :show="showDatePicker" v-model="value1" mode="date" :visibleItemCount="4" :closeOnClickOverlay="false" @confirm="confirmDatePicker" ></u-datetime-picker> </view> </template>
<script> import stage from './comp/stage' export default { components: { stage }, data() { return { value1: '', currentTab: 1, showDatePicker: false, } }, onLoad() { }, onShow() { uni.hideTabBar(); }, methods: { tabClick(num) { this.currentTab = num if(num==4) { this.showDatePicker = true } }, // 2选择时间选择器里的时间
confirmDatePicker(val) { this.showDatePicker = false let date = uni.$, 'yyyy-mm-dd') console.log(date) }, } } </script>
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