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  1. <template>
  2. <view class="pageBgImg">
  3. <topNavbar title="报名信息确认"></topNavbar>
  4. <view class="pad">
  5. <!-- #ifndef H5 -->
  6. <view class="card">
  7. <view class="row">
  8. <view class="lab">扫描教练二维码</view>
  9. <view class="rightCon">
  10. <view class="scan" @click="scanCodeFn">扫一扫</view>
  11. </view>
  12. </view>
  13. </view>
  14. <!-- #endif -->
  15. <view class="card">
  16. <view class="row" >
  17. <view class="lab">选择驾校</view>
  18. <view class="rightCon">
  19. <view class="row" @click="showSchool=true">
  20. <view class="val">
  21. <mySelect :value="form.school"/>
  22. </view>
  23. <view class="arrow">
  24. <u-icon name="arrow-right" size="14" color="#686B73" style="margin-left: 12rpx;" ></u-icon>
  25. </view>
  26. </view>
  27. </view>
  28. </view>
  29. <view class="row">
  30. <view class="lab">选择车型</view>
  31. <view class="rightCon">
  32. <view class="row" @click="showCar=true">
  33. <view class="val">
  34. <mySelect :value="form.car"/>
  35. </view>
  36. <view class="arrow">
  37. <u-icon name="arrow-right" size="14" color="#686B73" style="margin-left: 12rpx;" ></u-icon>
  38. </view>
  39. </view>
  40. </view>
  41. </view>
  42. <view class="row">
  43. <view class="lab">选择班型</view>
  44. <view class="rightCon">
  45. <view class="row" @click="showClassModel=true">
  46. <view class="val">
  47. <mySelect :value="form.classModel"/>
  48. </view>
  49. <view class="arrow">
  50. <u-icon name="arrow-right" size="14" color="#686B73" style="margin-left: 12rpx;" ></u-icon>
  51. </view>
  52. </view>
  53. </view>
  54. </view>
  55. <view class="row">
  56. <view class="lab">选择教练</view>
  57. <view class="rightCon">
  58. <view class="row" @click="$goPage('/pages/indexEntry/enroll/registInfo/chooseCoach/chooseCoach')">
  59. <view class="val">
  60. <mySelect :value="form.coach"/>
  61. </view>
  62. <view class="arrow">
  63. <u-icon name="arrow-right" size="14" color="#686B73" style="margin-left: 12rpx;" ></u-icon>
  64. </view>
  65. </view>
  66. </view>
  67. </view>
  68. </view>
  69. <view class="card">
  70. <view class="row">
  71. <view class="lab">业务类型</view>
  72. <view class="rightCon">
  73. <u-radio-group
  74. v-model="form.radiovalue1"
  75. >
  76. <u-radio
  77. :customStyle="{marginRight: '24rpx'}"
  78. v-for="(item, index) in radiolist1"
  79. :key="index"
  80. :label="item.name"
  81. :name="item.id"
  82. >
  83. </u-radio>
  84. </u-radio-group>
  85. </view>
  86. </view>
  87. </view>
  88. <view class="card">
  89. <view class="row">
  90. <view class="lab">是否异地转入</view>
  91. <view class="rightCon" style="margin-left: 40rpx;">
  92. <u-radio-group
  93. v-model="form.radiovalue2"
  94. @change="changeVal"
  95. >
  96. <u-radio
  97. :customStyle="{marginRight: '24rpx'}"
  98. v-for="(item, index) in radiolist2"
  99. :key="item.id"
  100. :label="item.name"
  101. :name="item.id"
  102. >
  103. </u-radio>
  104. </u-radio-group>
  105. </view>
  106. </view>
  107. </view>
  108. <view class="card" v-if="form.radiovalue1==2">
  109. <view class="row">
  110. <view class="lab long">原驾驶证号</view>
  111. <view class="rightCon">
  112. <view class="row">
  113. <view class="val">{{ form.certificateCodeShow }}</view>
  114. </view>
  115. </view>
  116. </view>
  117. <view class="row">
  118. <view class="lab long">驾驶证初领日期</view>
  119. <view class="rightCon">
  120. <view class="row" @click="showFirstLicenceTime=true" >
  121. <view class="val">
  122. <mySelect :value="form.firstLicenceTime"/>
  123. </view>
  124. <view class="arrow">
  125. <u-icon name="arrow-right" size="14" color="#686B73" style="margin-left: 12rpx;" ></u-icon>
  126. </view>
  127. </view>
  128. </view>
  129. </view>
  130. <view class="row">
  131. <view class="lab long">原准驾车型</view>
  132. <view class="rightCon">
  133. <view class="row" @click="showOldDriveModel=true" >
  134. <view class="val">
  135. <mySelect :value="form.oldDriveModel"/>
  136. </view>
  137. <view class="arrow">
  138. <u-icon name="arrow-right" size="14" color="#686B73" style="margin-left: 12rpx;" ></u-icon>
  139. </view>
  140. </view>
  141. </view>
  142. </view>
  143. </view>
  144. <view class="card" v-if="form.radiovalue2==1">
  145. <view class="row">
  146. <view class="lab">来源城市</view>
  147. <view class="rightCon">
  148. <view class="row">
  149. <view class="val">
  150. <mySelect :value="form.classModel"/>
  151. </view>
  152. <view class="arrow">
  153. <u-icon name="arrow-right" size="14" color="#686B73" style="margin-left: 12rpx;" ></u-icon>
  154. </view>
  155. </view>
  156. </view>
  157. </view>
  158. <view class="row">
  159. <view class="lab ">已过科目</view>
  160. <view class="rightCon">
  161. <view class="row" @click="showSubjectPass=true">
  162. <view class="val">
  163. <mySelect :value="form.subjectPass"/>
  164. </view>
  165. <view class="arrow">
  166. <u-icon name="arrow-right" size="14" color="#686B73" style="margin-left: 12rpx;" ></u-icon>
  167. </view>
  168. </view>
  169. </view>
  170. </view>
  171. <view class="row">
  172. <view class="lab">待学科目</view>
  173. <view class="rightCon">
  174. <view class="row" @click="showSubjectTreat=true">
  175. <view class="val">
  176. <mySelect :value="form.subjectTreat"/>
  177. </view>
  178. <view class="arrow">
  179. <u-icon name="arrow-right" size="14" color="#686B73" style="margin-left: 12rpx;" ></u-icon>
  180. </view>
  181. </view>
  182. </view>
  183. </view>
  184. </view>
  185. <view class="card">
  186. <view class="row">
  187. <view class="lab">学费</view>
  188. <view class="rightCon">
  189. <view class="row">
  190. <view class="val">100</view>
  191. </view>
  192. </view>
  193. </view>
  194. <view class="row">
  195. <view class="lab">合计</view>
  196. <view class="rightCon">
  197. <view class="row">
  198. <view class="val blue">100</view>
  199. </view>
  200. </view>
  201. </view>
  202. </view>
  203. <view class="card">
  204. <view class="row">
  205. <view class="lab">支付形式</view>
  206. <view class="rightCon">
  207. <u-radio-group
  208. v-model="form.radiovalue3"
  209. >
  210. <u-radio
  211. :customStyle="{marginRight: '24rpx'}"
  212. v-for="(item, index) in radiolist3"
  213. :key="index"
  214. :label="item.name"
  215. :name="item.name"
  216. >
  217. </u-radio>
  218. </u-radio-group>
  219. </view>
  220. </view>
  221. </view>
  222. <view class="card">
  223. <view class="row">
  224. <view class="lab">优惠券</view>
  225. <view class="rightCon">
  226. <view class="row">
  227. <view class="val red">-1000</view>
  228. </view>
  229. </view>
  230. </view>
  231. </view>
  232. <view class="card">
  233. <view class="row">
  234. <view class="lab">待支付金额</view>
  235. <view class="rightCon">
  236. <view class="row">
  237. <view class="val blue">100</view>
  238. </view>
  239. </view>
  240. </view>
  241. </view>
  242. <view class="btnBg" @click="confirmClick">确认</view>
  243. </view>
  244. <u-popup :show="showPopup" mode="center" :round="8" >
  245. <comfigPopup @comfigClick="comfigClick"/>
  246. </u-popup>
  247. <u-popup :show="showSchool" mode="bottom" :round="8" @close="showSchool=false">
  248. <searchSchool @chooseSchool="chooseSchool"/>
  249. </u-popup>
  250. <!-- 选择班型 -->
  251. <u-picker :show="showClassModel" :columns="columnsClassModel" keyName="label" @confirm="confirmClassModel"></u-picker>
  252. <!-- 选择车型 -->
  253. <u-picker :show="showCar" :columns="columnsCar" keyName="label" @confirm="confirmCar"></u-picker>
  254. <!-- 原驾驶证初领日期 -->
  255. <u-datetime-picker :show="showFirstLicenceTime" mode="date" @confirm="confirmFirstLicenceTime"></u-datetime-picker>
  256. <!-- 原驾驶证学驾车型 -->
  257. <u-popup :show="showOldDriveModel" mode="bottom" :round="8" @close="showOldDriveModel=false">
  258. <oldDrive @pickerOldDrive="pickerOldDrive"/>
  259. </u-popup>
  260. <!-- 已过科目 -->
  261. <u-picker :show="showSubjectPass" :columns="columnsSubject" keyName="label" @confirm="confirmSubjectPass"></u-picker>
  262. <!-- 待科目 -->
  263. <u-picker :show="showSubjectTreat" :columns="columnsSubject" keyName="label" @confirm="confirmTreat"></u-picker>
  264. </view>
  265. </template>
  266. <script>
  267. import comfigPopup from './comp/comfigPopup'
  268. import searchSchool from './comp/searchSchool'
  269. import oldDrive from './comp/oldDrive'
  270. export default {
  271. components: { comfigPopup, searchSchool, oldDrive },
  272. data() {
  273. return {
  274. showPopup: false,
  275. showClassModel: false,
  276. showCar: false,
  277. showFirstLicenceTime: false,
  278. showOldDriveModel: false,
  279. showSubjectPass: false,
  280. showSubjectTreat: false,
  281. columnsClassModel: [
  282. [
  283. {
  284. label: '普通班型',
  285. id: 1
  286. },
  287. {
  288. label: 'vip班型',
  289. id: 2
  290. }
  291. ]
  292. ],
  293. columnsSubject: [
  294. [
  295. {label: '科目一', id: 1},
  296. {label: '科目二', id: 2},
  297. {label: '科目三', id: 3},
  298. ]
  299. ],
  300. columnsCar: [
  301. [
  302. {
  303. label: 'C1',
  304. id: 1
  305. },
  306. {
  307. label: 'C2',
  308. id: 2
  309. }
  310. ]
  311. ],
  312. form: {
  313. school: '',
  314. classModel: '',
  315. car: '',
  316. coach: '',
  317. certificateCodeShow: '原驾驶证号xxx',
  318. firstLicenceTime: '',
  319. oldDriveModel: '',
  320. subjectPass: '',
  321. subjectTreat: '',
  322. radiovalue2: 1,
  323. radiovalue1: 1,
  324. },
  325. showSchool: false,
  326. radiolist1: [ {name: '初领', id: 1}, {name: '增驾', id: 2}],
  327. radiolist2: [ {name: '是', id: 1}, {name: '否', id: 2}],
  328. radiolist3: [ {name: '全款', id: 1}, {name: '预付款', id: 2}]
  329. }
  330. },
  331. onLoad() {
  332. this.$on('upDateCoachItem',(item)=>{
  333. console.log(item)
  334. this.form.coach = item.coachName
  335. })
  336. },
  337. methods: {
  338. // 选择驾校
  339. chooseSchool(item) {
  340. this.form.school = item.schoolName
  341. console.log(item)
  342. this.showSchool = false
  343. },
  344. // 选择班型
  345. confirmClassModel(val) {
  346. let item = val.value[0]
  347. console.log(item)
  348. this.showClassModel = false
  349. this.form.classModel = item.label
  350. },
  351. // 选择车型
  352. confirmCar(val) {
  353. let item = val.value[0]
  354. console.log(item)
  355. this.showCar = false
  356. this.form.car = item.label
  357. },
  358. // 选择原驾驶证初领日期
  359. confirmFirstLicenceTime(val) {
  360. console.log(val)
  361. this.form.firstLicenceTime = uni.$u.timeFormat(val.value, 'yyyy-mm-dd');
  362. this.showFirstLicenceTime = false
  363. },
  364. // 选择原准驾车型
  365. pickerOldDrive(val) {
  366. this.form.oldDriveModel = val
  367. this.showOldDriveModel = false
  368. console.log(val)
  369. },
  370. // 选择已过科目
  371. confirmSubjectPass(val) {
  372. let item = val.value[0]
  373. this.form.subjectPass = item.label
  374. this.showSubjectPass = false
  375. },
  376. // 选择已过科目
  377. confirmTreat(val) {
  378. let item = val.value[0]
  379. this.form.subjectTreat = item.label
  380. this.showSubjectTreat = false
  381. },
  382. // 扫码
  383. scanCodeFn() {
  384. let _this = this
  385. uni.scanCode({
  386. success: function(res) {
  387. console.log('条码类型:' + res.scanType);
  388. console.log('条码内容:' + res.result);
  389. }
  390. });
  391. },
  392. changeVal(val) {
  393. console.log(val)
  394. },
  395. // 点击确认
  396. confirmClick() {
  397. this.showPopup = true
  398. },
  399. comfigClick(val) {
  400. console.log(val)
  401. this.showPopup = false
  402. if(val) {
  403. this.$goPage('/pages/indexEntry/enroll/signContract/signContract')
  404. }
  405. }
  406. }
  407. }
  408. </script>
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